SU Students Deal with High Gas Prices
By Chilekasi Adele
Syracuse N.Y. – Americans have doled out more money in recent months on gas — and those in our area haven’t been immune.
According to AAA, while prices at the pump are down a cent since last week in Syracuse — the average stands at $3.24 a gallon.
The New York state average stands four cents higher at $3.28 — about a dollar more than last year.
Bob Prendergast, Business Advisor for AAA Western and Central New York, says summer travel and tropical storms are partly to blame. Foreign affairs can also affect prices as well.
“Yeah, the middle east always has a effect on the gas prices, especially with the Afghanistan things going on right now,” said Prendergast.
And with that upward effect, some SU students feel pressed financially — balancing their budgets.
“I definitely have less money to spend on fun things, on the weekends and stuff like that because I’m spending more on gas and food,” said junior Lindsay Kernen.
“I’ve already made two phone calls back to home, asking for more money, which I didn’t do at all last year, so having a car definitely added to my expenses quite a bit,” junior Kiana Abreu said.
Some in Syracuse University’s School of Education will be heading to local schools to garner experience soon. Sophomore Brittany Tandoi is preparing in advance for that commute.
“I definitely have to save around the fact that I’m going to be student-teaching. I’m going to be teaching about 19-20 minutes from campus, three times a week,” she said.
Prendergast said that gas prices will decrease as the cheaper winter blend of gas ramps up production. He says, however, that gas prices will hover around $3 for the near future.