Friday, Nov 03, 2017 at 12:32 pm by Brielle Valenza

President Donald Trump’s political allegiances are being called into question following dinner and potential dealings with Democratic party leaders.. While Schumer and Pelosi claim a deal on DACA is in the works, President Trump was not as quick to agree. Talking Point’s contributor, Gilat Melamed, explains the political implications of the dinner meeting held last Wednesday.

Donald Trump has hinted in recent weeks that a deal with the Democrats may involve protection of Dreamers in exchange for stronger border security. Is this a result of media and public opinion? Is it because Trump is notorious for not sticking to standard Republican policy such as being pro-gay marriage and pro-infrastructure spending? Public outcry in the past two weeks has been gaining popularity in favor of the Dreamers’ cause, leaving politicians staggering for a solution.

One may ask if a meeting like this affects Trump’s status in the White House or with Congressional Republicans. Trump is still a Republican and favors conservative policies. However, Chuck Schumer was caught on microphone saying how Trump likes him, while last month Trump and Republican Mitch McConnell were seen publically feuding. This inconsistent dynamic between who Trump favors and opposes adds a strain to his relationship with his fellow Republicans in Washington. Nevertheless, this does not mark a deliberate shift in Trump’s ideological standings Overall he has demonstrated his willingness to have conversations with Democrats on major policy issues and has attempted compromise. There will, however, be a shift in public confidence in his conservatism if the people see frequent private meetings with Democratic leaders and deliberate action is taken in their favor.

Trump meeting Pelosi and Schumer twice in one month does not indicate a complete turnover in the Democrats’ opinion of Trump. He is not held in high esteem by the Democrats due to his conservative viewpoints, strong opinions, and stance on illegal immigration and refugee acceptance. Some also say Trump’s decision to converse with Democrats rather than Republicans proves his willingness to accomplish a goal by any means necessary. If the Republicans will not converse with him, he will find those who will. Republican leaders have shown contempt and disagreement with Trump’s decision to meet with Democratic leaders Schumer and Pelosi. They believe that protection for illegal immigrants without substantial increases in border security and wall construction is against their party’s policies. This past Wednesday, a statement from Pelosi and Schumer was released saying “We agree to enshrine the protections of DACA into law quickly, and to work out a package of border security, excluding the wall, that’s acceptable to both sides” How does Trumps cooperating with the Democrats affect his popularity? Does it make him more likeable because he is willing to compromise? Or does it leave him without his party’s support to fall back on? Whatever the

case may be, President Trump’s step forward to find a middle ground in this crisis should facilitate the process of passing a Dreamer protection law while securing the nation’s borders.