Daniel Diaz-Bonilla’s Development Within Syracuse Men’s Soccer
All season long. The main question about Syracuse stayed the same. Who’s going to step up in the big moments to score the big goal? Was it going to be Lorenzo Boselli or Michael Stuckey? What about Nick Carlucci and or maybe Philippe D’Agostino? But in reality, in postseason play, it’s been someone who didn’t score a single one during the regular season. In the Princeton Transfer, Daniel Diaz Bonilla.
“We know how hard he works. He’s always here first.” Team captain Lorenzo Boselli said, “Training is the last one to leave. There’s no doubt he puts his 130% on everything he does.”
“Yeah. Look, Daniel’s a quality person and a quality player, and delighted for him.” Head coach Ian McIntyre said, “He’s worked so hard. First guy to practice, the last guy to leave. And for him to have that kind of success is has been I’m very excited for him and his family and to.”
“Go from, you know, every game at Princeton, pretty much starting and being one of the key players, being one of the players that, you know, coaches drawing up a game plan around you to then being a role player or being a guy that has to get mentally prepared to maybe not even play.” Diaz Bonilla said, “I mean, it’s so hard. One of my favorite quotes is the obstacle in the path becomes the path.”
“Within every obstacle, there’s an opportunity, opportunity to improve. I live by that. Like whatever obstacles get thrown in your way, like it’s an opportunity to get better. And I don’t think that I would have had the desire to keep improving, to keep working on my game if I hadn’t faced all those obstacles earlier in the season.”
Well, Diaz Bonilla and the Orange continue their trek toward glory tomorrow night at SU Soccer Stadium. Syracuse hosts North Carolina in the semifinals. When these two teams matched up earlier in the season, it was the Orange who came out victorious, 1-0 down in Chapel Hill.