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Thursday, Sep 21, 2023 at 10:02 am

Syracuse Men’s Soccer Once in a Lifetime Trip to England

It’s no secret that last year was special for Syracuse men’s soccer, winning the treble of the ACC regular season, the ACC Tournament, and the National Championship. Afterward, Ian McIntyre made the decision that he had to do something special. SU’s head man got in contact with Vertex Soccer, a company that provides tours to American teams, and traveled across the pond for 10 days with the team. The trip was one that everyone involved says they remember for the rest of their lives.

“Yeah, look, it. It was one of those very special moments and trips,” Coach McIntyre said. “You can take your team over to a foreign country, fully immerse yourself in a soccer/football culture, and there’s a lot of benefits and comfort that.”

“I mean, especially for me being from Europe, being from Germany, going over there, going overseas with my guys from here, I think it’s a cool, cool experience.” Team captain Noah Singlemann said, “And then like obviously playing those teams, it’s, it’s fantastic. Great to have those matches against like the top levels of the English academies. So we had a lot of fun. It was a good test for us. Also, like there’s going to be a lot of new guys with us. So it was fun and it was good to know some of the guys.”

“We also got to see Champions League game, Premier League game, Liverpool. Just seeing these teams like life and the atmosphere and the passion that’s just all around football and England, it’s just amazing.” One of the other captains Giona Leibold said,”This was definitely a big experience for us and we’re going to take what we what we accomplished and we’re going to take all the confidence with us and we’re going to attack this year.”